Aquarium Micro Gallery

Once you look closer into your portable aquarium Eco-system, you will notice that there is much more happening in there than just your fish. Thousands of different kinds or microscopic life forms will develop inside an aquarium system. Have a peek.


Cyclops - copepod

This microscopic crustaceans is well known as the Cyclops. The photo presents an egg carrying female. This copepod plays a very important role in the underwater food chain. Not only small fish feeds on them, but huge Whales also. They can be found in both, salt and fresh waters.
Photo by Dusko Bojic.


Ostracod is a microscopic crustacean (0.1mm-3mm). These in the photo above are no bigger than 1mm. They feed on dead plant matter. Fish will readily devour them.
Photo by Dusko.